I declared "Rhina Gets Lean" in Sept 2011... Here we are in February 2013 in our second season... And I am only half way towards my goal... My goal being to design a healthy lifestyle... Which means altering my thought patterns into making different choices... Such as choice of food, choice of snack as well as choice of proportion... Lots of choices! But truly it is the ONE awareness that creates the transformation... CHOICE!
Most people think dieting means to lose weight... But dieting is really what you choose to fuel yourself with... And how you choose to do it... I have made some drastic shifts in my diet... In which, I am proud to share... It takes determination to shift from eating chips as a snack to putting an apple in your mouth...
This is real talk...
It takes something to go from being a night owl to understanding that my body needs as much rest as my daughter needs... Not only to keep up with her, my schedule, and the tasks of the day... But to also incorporate minimally 45 minutes to an hour of honoring my body's development... Not just working out because it's the right thing to do... But working out because it's a communication of understanding that my body needs this attention...
Now, it's up to me... To have this conversation regularly to the point of becoming a habit; like brushing your teeth, eating, bathing and sleeping... Because in the end... What you put into it... Is what you get out of it... And I plan on living in good health all around...
However, I am aware of how challenging it can be to make shifts happen, and be permanent… The real reason I chose the title "Rhina Gets Lean" is to declare that I will get lean! Not thin… Not muscular… Not a workout fanatic… Not yet any way ;) Just Lean… So, my direction is geared towards a permanency… My true objective on this journey… And I can honestly and finally say that this year the results will be more drastic… Because I now know what I did wrong... And did too much of… And didn't do enough of...
So… Without beating myself up (something else to realize)… I decided to look into the gaps… The gaps being inconsistency… My journey towards physical transformation has been a roller-coaster ride because of my inner battle of going back and forth… New Habits vs. Old Habits…
Which leaves me with this… Everything in moderation! While preparing to eliminate old habits and implementing new healthier habits… It's conditioning the mind to embrace a new fun… And a new delicious... CHOICE!