Thursday, October 10, 2013

Earters' Digest - by Tomoko

Eaters’ Digest
by Tomoko

Bring Back the Real Food

Are you one of those who always choose “non-fat”, “non-sugar”, “low-sugar”, half-calories”, “no-calories”, “low-sodium”…..low this and half that type of food?

My suggestion is to choose the real one. Simple as that. That makes your life a lot simpler, and you would start appreciating food more.

When I used to work for a Japanese tea company, I met a lot of people who thought that caffeine was bad. We handled the REAL teas made from the real tea leaves, and we only one or two decaffeinated teas. So when some people bitched about our lack of selection of decaffeinated tea, I told them that French or Italian don’t have non-alcohol wines. If you don’t like alcohol, just don’t drink it. Wine is wine. Same thing with teas. Japanese or Chinese don’t even think about messing with the tea leaves to extract caffeine. This is the way the earth has given it to us. If you don’t want to drink caffeine, don’t drink tea. That explanation usually shut them up.

You don’t want to have a “I can’t believe it’s not butter” type of relationship with your spouse or your partner. What do you call a relationship which looks like and taste like the “real” relationship, but it is sugar free and calories free – meaning no substance to build you up to become your meat and bone? What do you call a person who attends social events with you pretending to be your intimate partner? An escort service? Are we to pursue and be satisfied with fake body parts, fake partners, fake friendship, and fake social life?

Pursuing such lifestyle would lead you to an empty life. And feeding yourself with fake food would make your body and spirit malnourished and makes you even sick.

Why don’t we start filling your life with real people and experience and real food?

Except those who have a specific doctor’s order, if you are one of those who tend to choose “fake” food, just because it makes you feel less guilty, I challenge you to start choosing the real food, and start sampling what the real food taste like. Your taste bud will appreciate you for that.

Just like there is nothing like experiencing real genuine love, there is nothing like having a generous bite of a good cake made of real milk, egg, butter, and sugar.