Sunday, March 9, 2014
Eater's Digest | What Water Crystals Teach Us
There is a research done by a Japanese Alternative Medicine doctor and a scientist called Dr. Mararu Emoto. Some years ago, he wrote a book called Hidden Messages in Water. He took water samples from various places in Japan as well as from the world’s renounced places like New York or Antarctica, and froze the water and observed the shape of the crystal. He also took the same water, and curse at the water, pray over the water, speak kindly to the water, show different pictures or words to the water (they tape the word or image on the water bottle! ) or play different kinds of music for the water. Then the water was frozen and the crystal was observed. The result was truly astonishing.
When you think about 70% of our body is made up of water, this teaches us that what we say to ourselves matters. What we allow us to expose ourselves from our ear gate and eye gate matters. For example, if we keep watching TV shows that contain murders, hate, wars, violence, tragedies and other type of cruelties hour after hour, day after day, it has to do some damage to your psych and the body.
On the other hand, spending time in prayer must bring tremendous healings. If you can see how a destroyed or non-existent water crystal changed into a beautiful flower like crystal after a prayer was offered. So praying over your food makes sense. Reading the word of love and hope makes sense. Praying over your children and speaking love and encouragement to them make sense.
If we need a healing in any area of our lives, we first have to ask ourselves what we are reading, what we are listening, what we are speaking to others and to ourselves, and what thoughts we are putting into the things you eat and drink. Food nourishes our body, and words and thoughts nourish our spirit.
And of course, you should know that praying over the hard liquor before chugging it down does not make them holy or less harmful. So don’t try to justify yourself…